The Perks Of Being In Isolation

Back at it again with a waffley lockdown blog post. But let's be honest, there's not much else going on really is there?? And I realised if there was one thing I could attempt to keep up with, it was the one blog post a month goal, and considering its 9pm on April 30th, when's... Continue Reading →

Changing the Narrative

Recently I've really been thinking about the negative outlook of the press and social media, and in the wake of the news last night about Caroline Flack, I've never felt a more perfect time to write. The controversy surrounding Caroline Flack and her various actions was ever present, her name had probably been among the... Continue Reading →

Staying Positive.

Hello hello. Long time no see. So school is back in session and it's not the happiest time of year. The looming feeling on a Sunday and waking up early on a Monday has returned so fast I don't think anyone was physically ready for Summer to come to a close as soon as it did.... Continue Reading →

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